Four Problems of Over Worked Air Conditioners

by | Aug 11, 2014 | Plumbing and Plumbers

If your air conditioner is always working overtime due to hot summers the AC repair Leesburg area home owners require can start to build up. One of the best ways to avoid costly repairs is to take proper care of your AC unit with regular maintenance and service checks. Without the proper care you will run into many common problems which means your air conditioner can be in need of constant repairs. Some of the most common ways your air conditioner might be trying to tell you it is over worked are:

1. Electric Issues: If you have an air conditioner that is oversized for your home you may find it is constantly cycling on and off. This can cost you a lot of money on your monthly energy bill but will also take its toll on the compressor and fan controls which means they will wear out more quickly. This will require a call for an AC repair Leesburg service companies provide. Knowing how to use your air conditioner more effectively can also help avoid electric issues.

2. Dirt and Build Up: It is very common for home owners to overlook the air filters in their air conditioning unit. You have to remember to check your air filters often and replace any dirty air filters you might find. The dirt will bung up the system and affect your air conditioner’s performance. Another common issue caused by dirt and build up are worn and dirty coils. Air filters are easy to replace and also far more affordable then an AC repair Leesburg home owners might require down the road. The hotter the weather the more often you should replace the filters which means looking at new ones monthly to avoid damage due to over work.

3. Refrigerant: Under or over charged refrigerant will cause your air conditioner to break down. It takes a professional to measure refrigerant levels and they can also check for issues such as leaks and then make repairs and adjustments as required.

4. Drainage: Drainage clogs can occur in the condensate drain which can lead to costly water damage due to leaks. This can lead to further issues in your home including mould and mildew caused by constant dampness.

If you wish to avoid the AC repair Leesburg home owners require proper maintenance is key. Knowing about your unit and checking your air filters will also help.

If you are in need of an AC repair Leesburg professionals provide you can trust Me Flow. Visit Domain Name or call (703) 250-3569 to set up an appointment.

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