An orthopedic surgeon performs shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, and Foot and Ankle Surgery In Kenosha WI. Some of the health problems that may affect these joints are arthritis, bursitis, or tendinitis in the shoulder. A patient may have a torn rotator cuff affecting their shoulder, or a fracture, or a dislocated shoulder. Conditions affecting the elbow can be cubital tunnel syndrome, a fractured or dislocated elbow, or arthritis. Wrists and hands, too, can develop arthritis, along with carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrist, tendinitis, or fractures. Patients can have arthritis in their knees or ankles, or perhaps a torn meniscus in the knee, or a torn ACL.
If a foot or ankle condition is not severe enough to warrant Foot and Ankle Surgery Kenosha, WI then the condition may be treatable with rest, having ice applied for up to twenty minutes at a time, compression, and elevation. The physician may prescribe an anti-inflammatory or have the patient take an over the counter medication for pain and inflammation. The patient may have to keep off the ankle or restrict their movement and weight borne on the limb.
Patients may need Foot and Ankle Surgery In Kenosha WI if they’ve suffered a fracture as a sports injury, but many surgical patients are older patients who have fallen at home. If the fracture is incomplete and if the bones are not out of alignment, the injury can be treated by using a splint or a cast to simply provide support and prevent the bones from becoming misaligned so that they fuse together again. However, in the case of a complete fracture, or if the bones are not lined up, the patient will require surgery to have plates or screws inserted to hold the bones together until they can fuse together naturally.
Family Foot & Ankle Clinics of Wisconsin LLC is the only place for expert care. A patient may need Hand Surgery for fractures, dislocations, open wounds, arthritis, and damage to nerves and blood vessels. Not all orthopedic surgeons have trained for and participated in fellowship training for some of the complicated forms of hand surgery. For example, operating on tendons in the hand can be very tricky. They are formed in the hand in tight crevices and operate on a layered pulley system. It takes a skilled surgeon to do a tendon transfer or a tendon graft.