Unfortunately, crime is a part of living in large cities such as Philadelphia. Vandalism and theft of motor vehicles is a problem in many large cities. That is why consumers need to have Auto Insurance in Philadelphia to protect themselves financially against auto related crimes. Specifically, motorists should maintain comprehensive coverage in order to be covered for vandalism and theft. Fortunately, the process to file a vandalism or theft claim on auo insurance in Philadelphia is pretty simple.
First, the consumer should contact the police and file a police report when there is an auto related crime. Although it is unlikely that the police will spend time and effort investigating the vandalism or theft, a police report should still be filed to properly document the losphis. Many insurers request that policyholders file police reports when claims are filed. After that, the consumer should contact the insurance company. If the consumer lost the contact information for the insurer or needs assistance in contacting the insurer, the insurance agency that sold the policy can help.
After the claim is filed, an insurance adjuster will need to look at the damaged vehicle. At the same time, the motorist will want to be paid by the insurer as well. The motorist can choose to take the vehicle to a body shop in order to come up with an estimate. Most body shops can send estimate information including photographs electronically to insurers. It is also possible for the insurance adjuster to visit the motorist’s home or work to view the damaged vehicle. The insurance adjuster would be the person coming up with an estimate.
Either way, the motorist will end up getting money to pay for the cost of repair. Don’t forget that the deductible will be subtracted from the amount that the insurer will pay. If the body shop finds out later on that the repairs are more extensive, that is not going to be a problem. Body shops often revise estimates when new damage is found. The body shop will send the revised estimate to the insurance company’s supplement department. Once the insurer authorizes the additional repairs, the body shop can continue fixing the vehicle.
If the vehicle is stolen and never recovered or if the insurer declares that the vehicle is a total loss, the motorist will receive the current fair market value of the vehicle minus the deductible.