Filing a Lawsuit with a Car Accident Attorney in Florence, KY

by | Mar 27, 2014 | Law

Studies show over six million car accidents occur annually. If you have been hurt in a car accident and suffered financial losses, it is important to rely on a car accident attorney in Florence, KY for filing a lawsuit.

The Role of the Plaintiff

The plaintiff is the alleged injured party and will be responsible for initiating the lawsuit. This will involve meeting with the retained attorney and discussing the details of the case. The allegations or charges that are listed by the plaintiff should be reviewed in full detail and approved by the car accident attorney in Florence KY.

The plaintiff is the party that should provide the burden of proof, since he or she is filing the legal action against the defendant. The key to winning the lawsuit will rest in the strength of the charges filed.

The Discovery Process

A key part of the lawsuit action is based upon the discovery process. This will provide the time for the plaintiff or defendant to work to prove his or her case. There are four parts included in the discovery process:

1. Written interrogatories -; This consists of questions that will be asked of the plaintiff or defendant and must be specific to the case. The number of questions asked generally are 25-50 in number and based on the jurisdiction of the lawsuit.

2. Deposition -; When either the plaintiff or defendant is called in to answer questions by the other’s attorney, this is known as the deposition. It is highly possible this may be used in a court of law and is the testimony of this individual.

3. The requests for admission statements -; Statements served to either party in the lawsuit that must be admitted or denied are referred to as admission statements.

4. The requests for production documents -; The time to prove the case is during this stage of discovery. By providing written documentation of evidence by use of police reports or medical receipts, this will provide proof.

Finally, your car accident lawyer in Florence KY will advise the client the case may be settled during mediation. If the case is not settled, it will be tried in a court of law.

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