Periodontal disease is no laughing matter, and it can cause serious illness if it is not diagnosed and treated immediately. This disease is common in adults, and there is no real cure. You can have deep cleanings that will kill the bacteria that is present, but the bacterium regrows every couple of months. The disease can start out as a simply gum inflammation. If it goes out of control, then it can lead to serious gum disease that can result in major damage to the bone surrounding the teeth, and the soft tissue that is present. Many people are able to overcome it by having regular cleanings, but others get it so badly that they actually lose their teeth. Once the teeth are gone the disease is gone as well, but losing your teeth is a high price to pay. The only way to prevent getting the disease is to take proper care of your teeth, and to visit your dentist regularly for preventative checkups.
If you are experience gum inflammation, then it is essential that you find a Periodontist in San Jose right away. Everyone is prone to the disease. The problem is that our mouths are already full of bacteria, and when they are combined with particles and mucous, they form plague. While plaque can be removed from brushing, tarter cannot. Tarter has to be removed by a professional Periodontist or dentist. If the tarter is left too long, then gingivitis could set in. Although this will not damage your bone or soft tissue, it can lead to periodontal disease if left untreated.
Finding a skilled dentistry professional is critical if you want to have complete peace of mind that your teeth will be well taken care of. Periodontal disease does much more than damage your bone and tissue. This disease and tooth decay in general has been linked to heart disease, general illness, infection, throat problems, digestive disorders, and a range of other ailments. The bacterium is powerful, and it can cause a whole lot of problems that you could do without. A good dentist will be able to get your teeth on the right track to health, and they will be able to use state of the art technology to ensure they are giving you the best treatments that they possibly can.
California Shine Dental has qualified Periodontists in San Jose that can provide an exceptional level of treatment. Visit our website for further information.