Family Lawyer Albuquerque NM: Understanding Domestic Partnerships

by | Dec 3, 2013 | Lawyers

Domestic partnerships were officially born in the early 1980’s. This was a time where homosexual individuals banded together and fought to have their relationships recognized. Homosexual advocates put up enough of a fight during the 1980’s for some local governments to put laws in place to recognize their relationship and to give them some rights.

The unfortunate truth is that even with laws in place and states one by one making gay marriage legal, homosexual couples still have to put up fights for certain rights they should be entitled to on a daily basis. There are a lot of legal issues that can come up and you may or may not know how to handle the situation. A lot of individuals who get mixed up in legal issues regarding homosexual issues are not even sure what kind of lawyer to acquire. You want to look for a Family Lawyer Albuquerque NM that supports gay rights. Ideally, you want to look at their law firm’s website to see whether or not they handle any homosexual rights cases.

What Kind Of Legal Issues Could Come Up?

Imagine if your partner were to get injured in a car accident. They are in the hospital and the state you live in does not recognize your relation. This means that you would not be able to make decisions on their behalf. The hospital would reach out to their family members to come in and make the decision. This because tragic when a small portion of the time these family members are family members who disowned them long ago for being homosexual. There is nothing more disheartening than a hospital telling you that someone who wants nothing to do with your partner gets to make medical decisions instead of you.

Children are also a very sensitive matter when it comes to homosexual couples. This is because some states do not see you, your partner, and the child as a family. If something were to happen to your partner the court may or may not see you as an alternative guardian. There have been cases where the child would go to a partner’s grandparents instead of the other parent that they know and love. You want to hire a Family Lawyer Albuquerque NM to help you fight for your rights to protect you and your family.

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