Bail bond agents (commonly known as bail bondsmen) are independent individuals or company representatives who present surety bonds to law courts, which secure the release of criminal defendants. Bail services are possible because of contracts with state and county courts; because of these contracts, the bondsman is permitted to make a bond to the court for less than the original amount. The Bail Bond Service in Burleson Texas is in effect guaranteeing that the defendant will appear in court or be held liable for the full bail amount.
Advantages of Using a Bondsman
There are many advantages to using the services of a bail agency. Bondsmen typically have after-hours access to securities, which allow them to furnish bonds to the court at any hour. After-hours access to securities is facilitated through special agreements with banks and insurers, meaning that most defendants can be released within hours of bond being posted. Using a Bail Bond Service prevents the defendant or their family from being forced to post the entire cash bond amount.
Things to Consider
When hiring a bail bond agent, there are several things to consider. The most important thing is to ensure that the defendant will actually follow the release agreement, especially in cases where the bond amount is very high or it has been secured with collateral such as a vehicle or home. If the defendant does not appear in court as ordered, the bondsman is legally allowed to take possession of the collateral, and they are also allowed to employ a bounty hunter. Contact Rogers’ Bail Bonds for more assistance.
Common Misconceptions on Bail
Many people mistakenly believe that using a bondsman is the same as getting a loan to pay bail, but this is inaccurate. The bail bond agent simply charges a percentage of the original bail amount (usually 10%), which is a surety bond accepted by the court in place of the full amount. The 10% covers the bondsman’s fees and is not reimbursable when and if the defendant appears in court.
Requirements to be a bail bond agent vary by jurisdiction and state, but it generally means completing a 12-hour course and passing a written exam. After the accreditation process, licensing and insurance must be purchased before a bondsman can conduct business.