Eye Injury Treatment Options for Corneal Abrasions in Salem, Oregon

by | Dec 19, 2019 | Healthcare

If you sustain an eye injury such as a corneal abrasion, you’ll need to find a doctor specializing in eye injury treatment in Salem OR. Unless you seek prompt treatment for your eye injury, you may sustain permanent vision loss. Here are some interventions the medical staff may implement to treat your corneal abrasion.

Irrigate Your Eye
One of the first interventions the physician specializing in eye injury treatment in Salem OR will implement for your corneal abrasion is eye irrigation. The doctor will flood your eye with copious amounts of sterile water to wash away any bacteria that was introduced to your eye when you scratched your cornea. This will help prevent a serious ocular infection, decrease pain, and reduce your risk for vision loss. If you are unable to keep your eye open during the irrigation process because of pain or the uncomfortable water sensation, the doctor may place a numbing drop in your eye so that you can keep your eye open without any discomfort.

Antibiotic Ointment
The physician will also place a “ribbon” of antibiotic ointment inside your eye to help prevent an infection. He or she may then cover the affected eye with a protective gauze pad so that your eye can heal. You will then be sent home with either an antibiotic ointment or antibiotic eyedrops. The staff will recommend that you see your eye doctor or primary care physician for a follow-up eye examination.

If you need more information about immediate or urgent care services, call SwiftCare LLC or visit the website.

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