Everything You Need to Know Before Purchasing a Butterfly Knife

by | Sep 7, 2021 | Knives

Do you want a butterfly knife? This unique style of knife is easy to conceal and has many uses, but it’s most famous for being a martial arts knife that lends itself to jaw-dropping tricks. Whether you’re choosing a butterfly knife to add to your hunting or camping kit or to use for self-defense, here are three things you need to know before you buy.

Using One Takes Skill

Butterfly knives aren’t tools that you can just pick up and use. With their sharp blades and unconventional design, it takes a little know-how to use one safely and effectively. The good news is that there are schools in every state that can teach you the art of the butterfly knife.

Fade or Blade?

Before purchasing a butterfly knife, it’s important to know the difference between an actual self-defense blade and a dull fade blade. Fades are designed to help beginners train to use the knife without getting injured.

Don’t Overpay

Some dealers may try to sell you on pricey designer butterfly knives, but a good self-defense knife should cost anywhere between $60 and $200. Prepare to pay more if you want a decorative knife, and be aware that the artwork may wear away with use.

Are you looking for a convenient online store where you can purchase a high-performance butterfly knife? Viper Tec knive manufactures and sells a wide variety of custom auto knives and automatic pocketknives. Browse their selection at www.vipertecknives.com.

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