Essence of Envelope Printing

by | Aug 5, 2014 | Business

If you run a business or own a company, you must have heard about envelope printing. Maybe you are wondering whether it is really important for your business. Although most small businesses usually overlook the practice of printing envelopes, it can be of great importance to them. In fact, this practice should be part of the marketing strategy of any business that wants to achieve its marketing objectives with ease.

Branding the business

Envelope printing plays a crucial role in maintaining the brand image. This is very important in ensuring long term benefits for the business. When customers and clients notice your business logo or promotional messages on envelope that you send to them they will get accustomed to your brand. Trust and brand recognition will be enhanced.

Customers will be more apt when it comes to opening and reading communications from your business including newsletters, sales letters and brochures among other materials that you send to them. Therefore, you can use printed envelopes to boost your brand among the target customers and clients.

Motivate opens

Using printed envelopes motivate recipients of your direct mails to open them and read the message that you are communicating to them. There are various techniques that can be used to motivate opens. For instance, a question that intrigues the recipient can be printed outside the envelope. The question will motivate the recipient because they will be interested in finding the answer to it. You can also print a promise a promotion on the outer side of the envelope or make the main selling points clear to the recipient.


Printed envelops pre-sell products and services of a company or business by motivating opens. This is because the seller can print information about discounts and offers that have limited duration on the outer side of the envelope. Photos of happy customers benefiting from the products or services printed on the outer side of the envelope can also pre-sell the product or service. Benefits of the service or product that you are selling can also be printed on the outer side of the envelope. The customer will be having a feeling that they already need the product while opening the envelope.


Printing envelopes is not just a simple way of packaging marketing materials. They also act as marketing materials. They can help a company or business sell its products and increase revenue when used creatively.

Envelope printing is more than just packaging the promotional materials in an attractive way. It can help in achieving marketing goals of a company. Visit us website for more details.

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