Drowning in Debt in New Jersey: How a Credit Management Company Can Help

by | Feb 26, 2021 | Money And Finance

The average American consumer has approximately $6,000 in credit card debt. Some have a lot more. A big factor in this much credit card debt is divorce, but in the last year during the pandemic that demographic has shifted because so many people are in such great financial need and lacking income. No matter the reason or cause for your credit card debt, it can have a lasting impact on your credit score and your credit report. If you live in New Jersey, a credit repair company in New Jersey can help. Here’s how.

Credit Repair Program in New Jersey

This credit repair program in New Jersey acts as the go-between between you and your creditors. They set up a payment program that helps you pay down some of the debt while making deals with your creditors to lower or eliminate card interest while you make payments. It reflects as a consistent payment history on your credit report, which will allow your score to rise.

Credit Report Repair in New Jersey

Another program offered by the credit repair company in New Jersey is the credit report repair program. In this program, the company looks at your credit report for mistakes and anything that can be contested and removed. They help you remove those offending items and repair your credit report so that it looks more appealing to lenders and creditors. It also helps elevate your credit score.

If you would like the credit report repair in New Jersey or the credit repair program, contact Square One Credit Management via.

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