Don’t Wait to Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Harrisburg, PA

by | Oct 14, 2013 | Lawyers and Law Firms

We all try to live safe lives. We look both ways before crossing the street, we buckle our seat belts, we don’t run with scissors; but bad things still happen and people still get injured, or worse. When these circumstances happen due to the actions or negligence of someone else, it can be devastating. If you are a victim of this kind of circumstance, you need the immediate assistance of a Personal Injury Lawyer in Harrisburg, PA.

You can take advantage of a free consultation from Curcillo Law, where an attorney will assess the facts of your case and determine if you have a legitimate legal claim. In personal injury law there are certain time limitations, so the sooner you speak with an attorney, the better off you will be.

Your Personal Injury Lawyer in Harrisburg, PA will not only act as your legal representative, becoming your voice in the proceedings and protecting your rights; he will be the leader of a legal team whose goal is to make certain that you are compensated fully for your injury and for any related expenses as well. After a traumatic injury it’s natural to feel a little frightened and anxious; you don’t know how long you will take to fully recuperate or whether you’ll be able to return to your job, and you see your expenses piling up. This is very often the time when an insurance company will try to take advantage of your anxiety and offer you a settlement. It may be tempting, but before you have any dealings with an insurance company or their representative, contact your attorney. Most initial offers are extremely inadequate and are just an effort on their part to remove your case from their books. Part of your attorney’s job is to negotiate a fair and adequate settlement, while still preparing your case for trial.

When it comes to your compensation, there are many factors that go into deciding what is fair and reasonable; the severity of your injuries, the length of time you will unable to work, whether you will be able to return to work at all, what kind of treatment will be required to help in your recuperation, whether you will need care-givers during your recuperation or beyond. All of these items need to be considered and your Personal Injury Lawyer in Harrisburg, PA will do just that.

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