Arthroscopy is a procedure which may be recommended by your Orthopedic Surgeon Panama City FL. During this procedure the Orthopedic Surgeon visualizes, diagnoses and treats issues found within a joint. Arthroscopy literally means to look inside a joint and this is exactly what the doctor does. He or she makes a small incision in the skin and inserts instruments no bigger than a pencil. These instruments have a small lens and a lighting system which are used to magnify and light up the joint structures. Fiber optics are used to transmit this light.
The Orthopedic Surgeon In Panama City FL area attaches a miniature TV camera to the arthroscope to see the inside of these joints so the incision can be much smaller than typically seen in a surgery. Images from this camera are then displayed on a television screen so the surgeon sees all parts of the joint, including the ligaments and cartilage. With these images, the surgeon determines the type and extent of the injury and makes the necessary repairs or corrections. There are many benefits to choosing arthroscopy.
Many associate arthroscopy with professional athletes as this procedure has gained a great deal of attention in the sports world. Anyone can benefit from arthroscopy though as it places less stress on a person’s body and is therefore easier than ‘open’ surgery. Often, this procedure is done on an outpatient basis, saving both time and money. Pain is minimal with this type of procedure and the incision sites are much smaller, leading to less scarring. Complications are rare, occurring in less than one percent of arthroscopic procedures, and include things such as infection, instrument breakage and excessive swelling or bleeding.
Arthroscopy can be used in a number of situations. Those undergoing rotator cuff surgery or reconstruction of the ACL in the knee are good candidates for this surgery and the same is true of those suffering from torn ligaments or carpal tunnel. Arthroscopy helps with the removal of cartilage or loose bone in various joints and for the removal of an inflamed lining in joints. Procedures involving the ankle, elbow, hip, knee, shoulder and wrist are frequently done using this technique although more joints may be treated using this method in the future.
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