Wisconsin traffic laws deem it illegal for any driver to operate a motor vehicle of any kind while intoxicated. In the state, any blood-alcohol content that is 0.08 percent or higher is classified as operating while intoxicated. These impairments include any amount of a restricted controlled substance found in the driver’s body. If you are accused of OWI, you should hire a Drunk Driving lawyer in Beaver Dam WI to represent you.
Understanding Wisconsin OWI Laws
If you are convicted of three OWI charges, the state will lower the legal limit to 0.02 percent in your case. This implies that if you are arrested and possess a blood-alcohol content of this decreased amount, you could be convicted of an additional charge. A fourth OWI charge in Wisconsin is classified as a felony and holds stricter penalties than previous convictions.
Any driver who is under the age of 21 is not provided a legal limit, as it is illegal for underage individuals to consumer alcoholic beverages. The state can convict them of an OWI with any blood-alcohol content reading. Migrant workers are also subject to the same penalties for OWI based on their age and blood-alcohol content. The charges are not restricted to those with legal citizenship status.
New Changes in OWI Laws
Anyone convicted of an OWI that has a blood-alcohol content that exceeds 0.15 percent is required to install an ignition interlock device (IID) in their vehicle. This includes first-offense convictions. If there is a child under the age of 16 in the vehicle at the time of the arrest, the first-offense is classified as a misdemeanor.
In terms of IIDs, the new laws required these devices for all repeat offenders, anyone who refuses to submit to testing, and required for every vehicle that the offender may drive. Any driver who is order to use an IID may not drive any vehicle without the device installed throughout the duration of their restricted driving period.
The state of Wisconsin has made changes in their OWI laws to cut down on the occurrence of drunk driving and to take measures to prevent fatalities. For this reason, the state has imposed stricter penalties for even a first-offense to make it more difficult for offenders to operate motor vehicles. If you are charged with an OWI, you can find a Drunk Driving lawyer in Beaver Dam WI by Visit the website today.