For many eligible people, there are government phones in Wisconsin. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) sponsors this program, and it helps people stay connected via phones and plans.
There are various ways to qualify. If you fall within an income bracket, you might be eligible. The FCC uses household income. Household income is the combined assets of all individuals living at the same address, but there are some caveats. For example, people that live in care facilities may share the same physical address, but their income is not combined. This rule will also apply to individuals that live in shelters or group homes.
You may qualify for a free phone if you are already involved in some government assistance programs. Families who receive food assistance from SNAP or food stamps may be eligible.
The FCC realized that just giving someone a cell phone was pointless unless it came with a calling plan, so they coupled the cellular devices with text messaging, chat, voice mail, and internet access.
One of the goals at the agency was to make sure people could stay connected to family, work, and school during difficult times. This package helps students take lessons, and it keeps remote workers in touch with their employers. People and communities can stay connected. The phones are modern, but if you already have one you like, you may be able to keep it and transfer over the services.