Custom Trade Show Exhibits – What Does Custom Really Mean?

by | Sep 4, 2014 | Business

In the trade show business, the word “custom” is a somewhat nebulous term. According to various dictionaries, the word “custom” when used as an adjective means “constructed to fit the requirements of a person.” Applied to custom trade show exhibits, this means displays created for marketing purposes for a trade show or exhibition are tailored based on specific needs.

Often displays are mass produced which translates to cookie-cutter type looks that you may see from one booth to another. These types of displays are more affordable and could definitely serve as a first foray into the trade show world if you are a newcomer. However, once you understand how this particular marketing vehicle works, why not customize something that makes your company stand out?

Two Ways to Look at Custom Trade Show Exhibits

One way an exhibit can be customized is through the personalization of an existing exhibit structure. Displays like these often incorporate basic system components called modules that can be mixed and matched to create something especially for your company. They can be tailored to use your brand or logo and modified to add additional architectural or aesthetic options to look made-to-order.

Another viewpoint in regards to custom trade show exhibits is a totally new construction that is not narrowed down to system components. Several factors come into play with this option. First, you must have the vision and a specific design for it. Second, a totally customized option will likely cost a lot more than exhibit displays modified from modular components. This option is a good one if your company plans to use it consistently and is better for optimal brand name recognition. The investment in a totally unique display may be heavier and more unwieldy so freight shipping may be a concern.

Frequency of Trade Show Participation

How often does your company plan to participation in trade shows and exhibitions? If it is just a few times a year, perhaps the personalized option of existing modules is the most practical. However, if your company’s livelihood is dependent on the success of these trade shows and participation is more than five times a year, custom trade show exhibits built from scratch just might be the better investment. Your overall marketing goals and target audience will ultimately dictate the best option for company’s promotional needs.

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