Cremation Services in Port Jeferson, NY Help Families Cope with Loss

by | Nov 19, 2013 | Funeral Services

When a loved one dies, there are many decisions that have to be made. The funeral directors at the Bryant Funeral Home are experienced in helping people cope with the early stages of grief and make the choices that are necessary. The first decision is usually how the family would like the physical remains handled. Cremation Services in Port Jefferson, NY are becoming a more popular choice. Sometimes it’s for economic reasons, but other times it’s an eco-friendly option that people prefer. If the deceased person left instructions to be cremated, then they simply follow that choice.

However, if the deceased died unexpectedly or without stating their preference, then family members will have to make the choice. Sometimes people mistakenly think that having a body cremated means that they can’t have a traditional viewing or service. That’s not the case. The body can be prepared for a viewing regardless of its final disposition. The funeral director will work with the family to create the viewing experience that they desire. If there are many small children, the funeral home staff can help the family decide if the children will be present. Many grief counselors recommend that children view the body. However, they do need to be prepared before the experience. If parents are unsure of how to talk to children about this experience, the staff will be able to help them prepare for that conversation.

Many people want to spare their family the trauma of planning this event for them. Therefore they decide to work with the funeral home to plan and pay for their own Cremation Services in Port Jefferson, NY. They can begin the process in the privacy of their own home by visiting the website They’ll be guided through the needed decision making. Of course they are welcome to contact the Bryant Funeral Home staff when they feel comfortable to do so.

Even when the funeral is pre-planned, death can be a shock. All the family has to do is call the funeral home number. It’s available 24 hours a day. A member of staff will arrive within the hour to help the family arrange for transport and to file the necessary paper work. The details will be taken care of so the family can prepare to say good-bye.

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