Cosmetic Dentistry in Alpharetta Can Give Older People Beautiful Smiles

by | Mar 3, 2014 | Dental Care

As people age, they often think that there’s nothing that can be done about their teeth. They become resigned to yellow teeth that have small chips in them. Fortunately this is not the case. Cosmetic dentistry in Alpharetta has many techniques that will transform dingy teeth and odd-shaped teeth into a beautiful smile. A single in-office Zoom whitening treatment can significantly brighten teeth. Many patients off all ages see their teeth become eight shades whiter. When the patient arrives the dentist thoroughly cleans their teeth so that the bleaching gel will penetrate the tooth enamel evenly. Once the gel is applied, then dentist shines a safe laser light on the mouth to activate the gel. This allows the chemicals to bond with stains deep within the tooth.

Some teeth stains are caused by illness or medication. In this instance teeth whitening treatments may be ineffective. However, the dentist at the Johns Creek Dental Excellence in Alpharetta office can recommend other strategies. Porcelain veneers are thin shells that fit over the front of the teeth. They are extremely natural looking, because porcelain reflects light in the same way that tooth enamel does. In addition to covering stained teeth, they can also reshape teeth and fill in any unsightly gaps. At the first visit, the dentist prepares the teeth for the veneers and then takes an impression to send to the dental laboratory. At the second visit, the dentist cements the veneers in place. The patient may be amazed when they see that they have a perfect smile for the first time in their life.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Alpharetta uses dental implants to replace a missing tooth without damaging the teeth on either side of the gap. The dentist begins by taking a detailed x-ray of the jaw to determine that there is sufficient bone mass to support the implant. Then he carefully inserts to titanium implant into the jaw. It takes about six to eight weeks for the jaw to fully bond with the implant. After that, the implant is as strong as the original tooth root. A porcelain crown is then placed on it. The result is a naturally looking tooth that will allow the patient to speak and eat perfectly.

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