Contact A Bankruptcy Attorney Wichita KS

by | Jul 31, 2013 | Bankruptcy Law

Getting out of debt can seem like a never ending story. People who find themselves short on cash from time to time tend to use their credit cards to make it through the leaner times and this can lead to trouble. The use of credit cards when there is no cash available is often the start of debt levels that are out of control for many consumers and the problem just seems to get worse when the economy is in crisis. Recent recessionary times have contributed to a sharp uptick in the number of consumers who have been seeking the advice of a bankruptcy attorney in Wichita, KS to help them resolve their financial woes.

Getting out of debt is an admirable goal and most people strive to pay off the credit card bills and the personal loans that they have. The reality of every day life is that unexpected expenses crop up for everyone and even the most carefully laid financial plans can be derailed. The option to file for bankruptcy is one that consumers have found to be a wise and helpful one and it can be the beginning of a much more manageable financial future for them at the same time.

Erasing all unsecured debts can mean that one chance for a fresh start that so many people have dreamed about. A consultation with a bankruptcy attorney in Wichita KS can be the beginning of a brand new start, a chance to be able to pay the bills each month without the struggle and the guilt that can accompany the debtor’s mindset. It is easy to find the lawyer who can guide the process of filing for bankruptcy, there are online websites that can explain the process of both types of federal bankruptcy as well. Chapter 7 is the version that erases debts that are unsecured and chapter 13 is the personal bankruptcy that reorganizes debt and gives the debtor a new repayment schedule.

Talking to the experienced attorney can help a debtor choose which of the chapters is best for their situation and which would be most manageable for them in the long run. Click here to learn more about how an attorney can clarify the process for you.

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