Consulting With an Allergist in Elizabethtown, KY

by | Dec 11, 2014 | Health

Allergies are a seasonal annoyance for some and for others a serious medical concern. There is no cure available and in each instance the best anyone can do is to treat the symptoms of the allergy or attempt to avoid the trigger item.

There are over 50 million people in the United States with nasal allergies and another 15 million with food allergies. Many of these sufferers will have an allergy to more than one item, a problem which can make it even more difficult to identify the allergens.

The frequency of allergies has increased dramatically over the last couple of decades. It is a problem which affects all ages and races equally. Approximately one in every five people will suffer from allergies or asthma, a condition which is often triggered by allergic reactions.
This type of sensitivity can take away from a sufferer’s quality of life as well as cause lost time from school and work. They can mimic the symptoms of a cold or digestive disorder, cause skin disorders, headaches and much more.

An Allergist in Elizabethtown KY is the best option for anyone who is tired of dealing with the misery of allergies. They can help patients to identify exactly what their trigger items are, a necessary first step for treatment.

All treatment solutions need to be based on what is causing the allergic reaction. Everything from nasal sprays or eye drops to answers about pet allergies that does not include getting rid of the animal. Combining these types of treatments along with additional helpful changes like adding air purifiers or using a vacuum with a HEPA filter are often all it takes to keep allergies under control and help everyone to live a more comfortable life.

Dr. C. Steven Smith is an Allergist in Elizabethtown KY who specializes in diagnosing and treating those allergy cases other doctors have given up on. Mild or severe, all allergies should be controlled to prevent them from causing discomfort or becoming so problematic they cause serious breathing problems or other health issues. If you are tired of dealing with your allergies, contact the office today to schedule your allergy testing.

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