Common Myths About Septic Systems and Maintenance

by | Dec 26, 2013 | Construction and Maintenance

If you live in Anne Arundel County, MD and you have a septic system, you have probably heard a lot of myths. In fact, because there are so many myths about septic systems, you may even think that many of them are true. However, you will probably find, when it comes to septic systems maintenance in Anne Arundel County, MD, that there are a lot more things that you may thought were true that are absolutely false. Here are some of the common myths that are often heard about septic systems and maintenance:

Myth #1 – My Septic Tank Never Needs Cleaned

One of the most prolific myths out there is that septic tanks never need to be cleaned. This is definitely false and if you have had your septic system for awhile and never had it professionally pumped, the time is now. Though it will certainly cost a bit of money, if you don’t have it pumped, the repair bills will definitely cost you a lot more and could make a mess that you don’t want to have to clean.

Myth #2 – You Need to Put Additives Into Your Tank

Another very popular myth is that you need to put additives into your tank in order to keep it working correctly. The television will have you believe that if you do this, you won’t need to have your tank professionally cleaned. Though these additives will break down solids, what the television commercials don’t tell you is that they break the solids down to liquids and put much more pressure on the drain field. This will dramatically shorten the life span of the drain field and simply cost more money out of your pocket.

Myth #3 – Chemicals Will Not Harm the System

Finally, you may have heard that you can use chemicals in your home, like bleach, and put them into your septic system with no harm done. This is definitely not true. Anything you put into the system, will, over time, end up in your system. For instance, if you are putting a lot of bleach into your septic system, it will kill the helpful bacteria that are in there and you could be looking at problems down the road.

It is best, when it comes to septic, to ask a professional when you have questions and not rely on common myths.

To learn more about septic systems maintenance in Anne Arundel County, MD, contact Freestate Septic. Reach them online at Website Domain.

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