A Divorce Lawyer in Allentown provides you with effective information needed to file for a divorce. Your attorney will begin this process by acquiring details pertaining to the breakup of your marriage. It is through an understanding of these details that your attorney will advise you of the next step.
Coming into an Agreement
For your divorce to be deemed uncontested, you and your spouse must agree completely to the terms defined in the divorce agreement. At any time during this process that you or your spouse are unable to agree to these terms, the divorce then becomes contested. When this is the case, your attorney will negotiate with your spouse’s legal counsel on your behalf to come into an agreement as quickly as possible.
Mediation and Trials
In cases where there is a significant amount of marriage property or an inability to come into an agreement about such matters, your attorney may suggest mediation. During this process, you and your attorney meet with your spouse and his or her legal counsel to discuss division of property and assets. Alimony, child support, and child custody are additional items up for discussion at this time. If you and your spouse are still unable to agree upon these terms, a trial date is scheduled in which a judge makes final determinations.
Local Divorce Attorney
Sigmon and Sigmon, P.C. – provide divorce counsel as well as services that relate to business, criminal, and estate law. These attorneys additionally provide legal representation for claimants in personal injury cases. Through this wide array of legal services, they provide effective legal representation for an immeasurable amount of cases. If you require an attorney within any of these legal fields, you may contact this law firm to schedule a consultation.
An effective divorce Lawyer in Allentown presents you with effective strategies that enable you to make an attempt to end your marriage amicably. Your attorney will assist you in contested and uncontested divorce proceedings. The difference between this cases is that in an uncontested divorce, you and your spouse fully agree to the terms. When an agreement is not immediately probable, your attorney will begin to make further efforts to avoid mediation or a trial.