If you aren’t in an emergency situation and you have the time to make a careful selection, you should always ask about your locksmith’s level of certification. Most US states don’t require it, but All Locksmith Service in NYC get certified to remain competitive. There are different certification levels, some of which can be bought without the requisite experience and training.
Unlike plumbers and electricians, there are no definitive locksmithing standards; certification requirements vary by location. Most people aren’t aware of the differences between locksmithing certifications. Below is a brief explanation of the certification levels set forth by the ALOA (Associated Locksmiths of America):
Registered locksmith: Anyone with this level of certification has completed at least 12 eight-hour courses, or a week-long course with a final exam.
Certified registered: This first locksmithing certification level means that the person must have passed exams in at least ten categories and two specialties.
Certified professional: The second certification level means the locksmith has achieved the above as well as 12 specialties.
Certified master: The highest certification level means that the locksmith has achieved the levels shown above, plus mastery of 90% of available specialties.
Certified automotive: These locksmiths have demonstrated broad knowledge of automotive locks.
Certification Requirements
A locksmith can only get certified after passing an exam. There are 36 specialty categories, but only ten are required for basic certification. The ten required categories are: cylinder servicing, codes/code equipment, key duplication, key blank identification, key impressioning, lock opening, lockset servicing, lockset functions, master keying and cabinet and furniture locks. Safes and car locks come with their own certification requirements.
If you’re in need of All Locksmith Service in NYC because you are locked out of your home or apartment, a basically-certified smith will do. If you’re contending with new auto locks or a high-security lock or safe, you will probably need a master smith with a specialty in your particular type of lock. No matter why you require a locksmith’s services, you should always ask what type of certification the person has. By choosing a local, certified locksmith, you can rest assured that your job will be done correctly.