As you enter another person’s property, you do so with the expectation of safety. However, if you’re injured, consulting a personal injury attorney in Jacksonville, IL, will help you learn about your rights. Before filing a claim, consider the answers to these questions.
Were You a Trespasser?
First, you’ll have to consider whether you were on the property without permission. Property owners aren’t allowed to make a dangerous condition worse in an effort to catch a trespasser. If you were trespassing, the owner may still be responsible for your injuries.
Did You Break the Law?
Proving a legal violation on the part of a property owner will do much to strengthen your case. For instance, if an owner didn’t shovel snow from the driveway and you slipped and fell, you may have a premises liability claim. A personal injury attorney in Jacksonville, IL, will help you gather the evidence needed to build a case.
Was There a Dangerous Condition?
If a premises owner does not take steps to resolve dangerous conditions and correct hazards, they can be held liable for injuries developing as a result. If you’ve been hurt in such a case, hiring an attorney may increase your chances of getting the settlement you deserve.
Call an Attorney Today
Though most premises liability cases are minor, some have lasting effects. You shouldn’t have to suffer an injury because of someone else’s negligence. Visit the website to learn more or call the firm of Becker, Schroader, & Chapman, PC to schedule a consultation.