When a person has diabetes, they must take special care of their feet. One condition that can arise from diabetes is known as diabetic neuropathy. This is nerve damage that is caused by poor blood circulation. It is particularly common in the feet, which are the parts of the body that are the furthest away from the heart. A numbness or tingling in the feet can be a sign that someone has this condition. In addition to the traditional treatments patients use to control their diabetes, it is often recommended that those who have this type of nerve damage to wear special compression socks.
Compression socks and other supplies for a diabetic in Rancho Palos Verdes are available to customers who need them. These socks help to keep blood from pooling in the feet through compression in the feet, ankles, and lower legs. By providing compression, they also help to alleviate a lot of the pain that goes along with this condition. They apply pressure to muscles, arteries, and surface veins of the legs, and force blood through so it returns to the heart and circulates properly. Swelling in the feet and legs is reduced, and overall health is improved.
Compression socks and hose are made from a special blend of cotton and Lycra or Spandex. They completely cover the foot and ankle, and come up to the bottom part of the knee. In order to get a pair that fits properly, patients need to be fitted by their doctors and get a prescription for a specific size. There are socks available without prescription, but there are no guarantees as to how well they will fit or work for every patient.
While these are known as supplies for diabetics in Rancho Palo Verde, a lot of people who don’t have diabetes are benefitting from using compression socks. Anyone who is on their feet for long periods of time, such as waiters and hair stylists, can benefit from having these special socks. They will find that they don’t have swollen feet as often, and that their feet don’t feel nearly as tired and sore as they once did.