Board Certified Radiologists Make Diagnosing Pets Easier

by | May 7, 2014 | Pets

Being able to diagnose a pet with health complications is easier when using such testing options as an ultrasound, digital x-rays and endoscopy. The latest developments in technology give vets the perfect way to determine treatments for your pet. Cutting edge technology enables veterinary hospitals to see images that are perfectly clear on monitors in exam rooms. With a simple click of a mouse images can be enlarged and viewable from different angles. Board certified radiologists are able to retain one of the highest levels of accuracy when it comes to interpreting x-rays and evaluating them.

The Convenience of Taking X-Rays
When a sick or injured pet is brought into an animal hospital, it is very easy to take an x-ray to show any signs of injury that may not be visible to the eye. Regular vets are able to read these x-rays and then submit them to the radiologists for further review. A pet radiology scan turnersville is imperative to a team of vets in a veterinarian hospital. Their reports are valued and included when it comes time to recommend treatments for a pet’s health condition.

Radiology Programs Greatly Improve Veterinarian Treatments and Recommendations
A good radiology program that uses superior equipment available to every kind of animal greatly increases the chances of a vet giving valuable treatment options. Using this type of imaging can even help reveal an ailment in your pet before they become extremely ill. In most cases there is no extra charge to have x-rays read unless they need to be reviewed by an expert radiologist.

It Pays to Have More than One Vet Review X-Rays
There are cases where an x-ray needs to be seen by more than one veterinarian. Abnormalities can be missed and have been missed in the past when viewed by only one doctor. When a veterinarian hospital has a radiologist employed, the chances that x-rays are going to be read correctly are much greater. All x-rays are reviewed by the normal vet and a radiologist to confirm and diagnose an animal’s condition. Different types of x-rays and ultrasounds include, GI and vascular contrast studies, abdominal thorasic soft tissue ultrasounds, and ultrasound guided biopsies and aspirates.

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