Backup Generator Maintenance in River Forest

by | Jan 3, 2014 | Electric Motors

With today’s dependency on electricity, installing and maintaining a backup generator has become more of a necessity than ever before. This is especially true for individuals who work from home or must have a constant source of power for health related equipment, but is also true for any homeowner who keeps a freezer or other food storage appliances. With a reliable source of backup power, River Forest area residents can be confident that long term power outages in the area will not be a threat to health or safety.

However, simply installing a backup generator is not enough. Since the alternate power source may only be needed on rare occasions, providing proper service is required to ensure the generator will function properly when needed. While the service is not overly complicated, it must be performed on a regular schedule. Regular generator maintenance in River Forest should only be provided by technicians qualified to perform that service. Companies like Penco Electric, Inc. ( deal with back up systems routinely and should be first on any list of service providers.

For safety, only qualified electricians should ever install backup generators. Strict code compliance is required to keep not only homeowners, but also power company personnel safe when there is an outage. Consult with a backup generator specialist when considering installing a system so that the generator can be sized to meet the needs of each home or business owner. Typical systems for residential use power anywhere from eight to thirty circuits, which means essential appliances can easily be kept operating and food stores will not spoil. Contractors can help determine which circuits should be powered during an outage and which ones can be safely ignored.

Again, generator maintenance in River Forest should be a top priority once a system is installed, especially during times of the year where outages are most likely to occur. The contractor should work with the home or business owner to set up a regular maintenance schedule to guarantee that electrical power will not be interupted during storms or other outages. Discuss all service options with a contractor to determine how frequently the backup generator system should be maintained. Browse for more information.

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