A home in an assisted living gives a senior the right to an apartment, suite or room of their own if they so desire. Living arrangements where friends can share are available as well. Residents can bring their own furniture and belongings to their new home to recreate their prior house, condo or apartment. Or they can refurnish it with help from the facility. All the comforts of home are an important part of enjoying one’s residence. Every family photograph and painting will find a welcome place on the wall.
Exceptional living arrangements for active seniors truly make the golden years a wonderful time to be alive. Housing options for older people are a far cry from what they were just a few decades ago. The average lifespan was once shorter and the last years of a person’s life were often spent in a bedridden or home bound state. Advances in medicine have given the average person a longer and more productive lifespan than their parents and grandparents before them. Now seniors want housing that meets the active and fully involved lifestyles they are pursuing. More and more people know that Assisted Living in Atlanta, GA provides housing that meets and exceeds their needs.
The medical needs of residents are a prime focal point for assisted living facilities. A nursing office is staffed with team members that keep residents abreast of their doctor appointments and help to administer medications as needed. Memory Care Services are also available for those residents whose memories are fading in their senior years of life. All residents are encouraged to stop in and speak with the nurse if they are not feeling well or simply have a question. This allows for the piece of mind that so many people need in order to relax.
Residents never need worry about grocery shopping or cooking their own meals. This can be an exhausting experience for some. Meals are cooked to order by a chef and kitchen team on the premises. Residents can choose a wide variety of foods and cuisines from a menu that changes daily. Attractively arranged plates are served by well trained servers who are never too busy to refill a coffee cup or get a second helping for a hungry diner guest. Visit their website