Are You Looking For Someone With A Mobile Clinic For Sale?

by | Jun 19, 2014 | Transportation

A mobile clinic is a custom made speciality vehicle that serves a fairly obvious purpose. It might be a self driven vehicle or the clinic could be housed in trailer of any size. It might serve a medical purpose that could be diagnostic, treatment or even operating. Or, maybe it is a dental clinic with a similar choice of services provided. It could even be a veterinarian clinic and, I suppose we should also include a mobile optician’s clinic.

The common feature being that a specialist trained in a certain field chooses to go “on the road” and provide his services to people who might not be able to come to his clinic if it was only in one place and at some distance from where the patients reside. Another use for mobile clinics would be those for emergency treatment that can be sent out to the scene of major accidents, catastrophes or epidemics, etc.

Custom Made

All of these mobile clinics would have been made specifically to suit the needs of whoever is buying them. The buyer will tell the firm that manufactures such speciality vehicles exactly what has to go into this particular clinic. How many people are going to be staffing it and what sort of clinical equipment it has to contain. These essential details are likely to be quite different between one mobile clinic and another. This is why any Mobile Clinic For Sale will most likely be made to individual order and custom fitted out to meet the buyers individual specifications.

Details like should it be a trailer or a driven vehicle and what sort of power unit should it have are important but will not restrict the clinic’s use to any one particular clinical speciality. It is what’s inside that is important to the buyer.

Is It Possible To Buy A Used Mobile Clinic?

Anything is possible but what are the chances of finding a pre-owned clinic that was purpose designed for exactly the same sort of clinical work that you wish to perform once you have purchased a mobile clinic of your own? Never mind the usual used vehicle questions relating to mileage and general condition, can you actually use any of the equipment the previous owner had installed? Considerable refurbishment is likely to be required. If nothing else; if your name is Dr Jones, you can hardly drive around in a clinic with Dr Smith emblazoned on its exterior! In all likelihood, you would be better off looking for a “made-to-measure” new Mobile Clinic For Sale.

When looking for your custom designed Mobile Clinic For Sale, you need look no further than Mobile Specialty Vehicles, Inc. They started making all types of mobile clinics over 30 years ago and are experts in their field. Check them out at their website.

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