Your TMJ joint is one of the hardest-working joints in your body. This joint is responsible for opening and closing your mouth and faces a lot of pressure each day. Because of the amount of work this joint puts in, it is prone to being damaged and experiencing pain. Often, this pain is caused by the wearing down of the joint. It can also be caused by other issues. Fortunately, the pain of TMJ in Arlington can be treated and relieved. Instead of continuing with your pain and pressure, it can help to see your dentist and find the relief you need.
What Is TMJD and How Can It Be Treated?
TMJD is known as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. This disorder causes pain in the joint, clicking in the jaw, pain in the ears and neck and headaches. Often, the condition can become so severe, the jaw jumps out of joint, causing serious pain. One of the causes of TMJ in Arlington is grinding your teeth. Many people grind their teeth while they are sleeping and are never aware of it, until the dentist informs them of the damage left behind. Grinding your teeth at night places hundreds of pounds of pressure on the surface area of your teeth. Also called bruxism, grinding can cause massive damage to your teeth and can grind them down extensively.
If grinding your teeth is causing your TMJD, there is help available through your dentist. A protective tooth guard can be worn while you are sleeping, so you do not grind your teeth and cause damage. For many people, this helps to stop many of the symptoms of TMJD, so relief is found.
If you are experiencing the symptoms of TMJD, you need to find the cause. It is in your best interest to visit your dentist and have an examination carried out. If the dentist finds you are grinding your teeth at night, this could be the cause for your pain. For more information on TMJD and your treatment options, contact the office of Birth and Stewart Orthodontics. They will be glad to work with you, to help you overcome your TMJD pain.