Are Dental Implants the Best Choice for Replacement Teeth?

by | Apr 17, 2014 | Dental Care

There is probably not a person on the globe who enjoys losing their teeth. We can all self-criticize for our lack of oral hygiene or our inability to remember to eat less sugar, less acidic foods and drinks or to clean our teeth before bed. When we go to the dentist those who have the bravery after knowing they might end up in pain. We are generally terrified because we know that our neglect might cost us our teeth and therefore quite a lot of money.


Dental insurance doesn’t always cover the entire cost of your dental treatment and you could be seriously out of pocket if you need to rely on any deep treatment or removals. Most dentists charge less for extractions than they do for other forms of reparatory treatments and this can be a huge factor in people’s decisions to remove their entire set of teeth if they feel or suspect that they might need serious work done.

Try Before you Buy?

You should always consult your dentist for the best course of action because many dentistry issues are simple fixed with a little help. This may include root canal work or other work which can save your current teeth and avoid you having to have them all removed and replaced. Implants in Hartford county, MD are very common amongst dental patients who are in danger of losing their teeth. The same applies to many other areas of the country, also, where the option is available. Implants are a permanent replacement for your teeth if you have to have them removed. An implant is an individual replacement tooth that is inserted into the gum of the patient. Each implant is in three parts—the implant, the abutment and the crown. The crown is the tooth part which remains above the gum surface, but the abutment and the implant are not seen once the crown is installed. Modern implants are made from materials that actually assist in the osseointegration process, whereby the implant fuses to the bone to become a more natural part of the body and without causing harm.

You can also opt for removable dentures which involves less work, fewer costs and less pain. However, they are also not as reliable, but do make a perfect and less costly substitute.

To register your implants in Hartford county, MD, contact Dental Implants San Jose for further details of their services.

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