Divorce is hard enough, but if children are involved, it reaches an entirely different level. Breaking up a family, even if it will stop the fighting and arguing in the home, is difficult for everyone, but especially for the children. Children usually don’t understand and feel torn between parents. Even if parents vow to have an amicable divorce, when children are involved, it can turn vicious quickly. Having a attorney to handle your Child Custody McLean will avoid a lot of stress and drama for yourself and your children during a divorce or even after a divorce, if circumstances change for either yourself or your ex.
Hopefully, during a divorce or Child Custody McLean case, everyone can agree that they want what is best for the children. This is usually the case, but in some child custody cases, custody is a game and the children are the winning prize. The parent fighting for them may not have a great desire to really have custody of them, but instead they have a greater desire to hurt their ex spouse by gaining custody of the children, just so their spouse can’t have them. For cases such as this, hiring an attorney to help you in your fight for your children, will ensure that you have done everything possible to keep your children where they are best cared for.
Usually child custody is shared, unless one parent is incapable of tending to the children. If your ex is not interested or unable to share custody of your children due to a substance abuse problem, violent behavior or any other situation that could put the children at risk, it’s imperative the courts know this. Your attorney will make it known so that the children will be protected and safe at all times. Supervised visitation or limited visitation will allow your children to know their non custodial parent, in a safe and secure setting, that doesn’t allow their safety to be compromised.
Even if your desire was to keep attorneys out of your child custody case, it’s a good idea to protect yourself, and your children, with one. You can learn more about child custody and attorneys at Goldenbergandphillips.com. You’ll know your legal rights are protected and the safety of your children will always come first.