Air Conditioning Woes? Contact an AC Contractor Colorado Springs For Help

by | Jan 29, 2014 | Heating and Air Conditioning

When the temperatures rise outdoors, keeping yourself cool indoors becomes of utmost importance. When you flip the switch to turn on your air conditioning unit, you expect it to kick in and start working. What if it doesn’t? When your AC unit stops working, you need to call in an AC Contractor to diagnose and then solve your problem. It could be something as minor as needing a re-fill of Freon or something as major as needing a new compressor. Only a certified contractor can help you discover your problem.

There are many things that can go wrong with AC units. The main cause of stoppages occur due to low levels of Freon in the system. Luckily this is an easy solution at a low cost. Another more simplistic issue is your filter needs to be changed. Your filter catches a lot of dust and particles in the air from your AC duct. These particles can clog up your filter, causing your AC pipes to freeze. When this happens, your AC unit does not pump out cold air. Again, your AC Contractor in Colorado Springs area can quickly diagnose your problem and make the repair at minimal cost to you.

Other issues can require more effort and time to repair, and are generally more expensive. For example, if you have a bad compressor, this can cost more to replace and requires the AC Contractor Colorado Springs to spend a lot of time removing and re-installing your compressor. If it is determined that your entire unit is not functional, you may need to have it replaced. Before you replace your unit, you will want to be sure to check any warranty information because you might be able to replace it free or at a lower cost if the unit breaks within the warranty window. If you are not sure what the warranty period is, ask your contractor and they should be able to help you.

While it is never ideal to have to repair or replace your AC unit, you can at least rest assured knowing that you are in good hands with a certified AC contractor. For more information, visit website.

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