A Personal Injury Attorney in Milwaukee, WI Can Help Negotiate a Better Deal

by | Dec 19, 2013 | Law Services

When you think of a personal injury attorney Milwaukee WI, it’s possible you automatically think of a courtroom setting where the lawyer takes an insurance company or a corrupt company to task for mistreating someone who has been injured in the workplace or who has been involved in an accident. While a personal injury lawyer can be a valuable resource if it’s necessary to go to court, this isn’t the only way that this kind of lawyer can help you. Sometimes going to court isn’t an option and a mediation is the best course of action for your case.


There are several benefits to using a personal injury attorney for mediation versus going to court and the first benefit is saving time. What many people don’t realize is that going to court can mean months or even years of court dates, interviews and so on. The person or company that you’re suing can drag their feet in an effort to frustrate you to the point of settling or simply prevent you from getting what you’re owed. In the meantime, you’re without the money necessary to pay for your medical bills, personal bills and so on while you wait.

Another benefit to mediation services is the ability to take on a smaller case. Unfortunately, many smaller cases aren’t pursued because there’s not enough money involved in the case to justify spending the money to go to court. However, with the help of mediation, a personal injury lawyer can help you get justice without the added expense of a lengthy time in court.

Lastly is the privacy issue. If you’re taking a large company to court, then you can expect to spend a lot of time in the spotlight. For some people, the thought of being in the news and having their privacy invaded prevents them from taking this course. It’s possible that through mediation, you can negotiate with the company/person with whom you have a dispute without entering the public eye.

There are simply some situations where going to court is going to be your only option. However, if you want to consider a less time consuming and a less public option then hiring a personal injury attorney Milwaukee WI is an excellent place to start for your mediation services.

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