A Guide to Medical Misdiagnosis Claims

by | Dec 19, 2019 | Personal Injury Attorney

The timely and proper diagnosis of a medical condition allows a patient to receive the right treatment. However, misdiagnoses are quite common, with approximately 20% of cases being affected. These mistakes jeopardize patients’ health and lives, but not all rise to the level of malpractice. A medical misdiagnosis attorney New London, CT knows how the law works and can help you move forward with your case.

Misdiagnosis Types

Negligence is a crucial element of a medical malpractice claim. Most payouts are based on diagnostic errors, which are separated into multiple categories. For instance, a missed diagnosis means that a patient may not get treatment in time. An incorrect diagnosis means that a patient is treated for the wrong condition. Finally, the failure to diagnose a related condition may lead to a malpractice claim.

Commonly Misdiagnosed Conditions

Though it’s possible to misdiagnose any medical condition, some are more common than others. For example, cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, depression, and lupus are frequently misdiagnosed as other conditions.

Proving Malpractice

A medical error does not necessarily mean that malpractice has occurred. To prove malpractice, there must be a doctor/patient relationship. The doctor’s diagnosis must be negligent, and the patient must prove that the diagnosis caused harm. Finally, a patient must document their economic, non-economic, and punitive damages.

Filing a Claim

A patient should not try to file a malpractice claim alone. A minor error in the process may make the difference between a fair outcome and an outright denial. A medical misdiagnosis attorney New London, CT will gather evidence, move forward with the case, and help you get the compensation you deserve. Visit our website or call the law firm of Stephen M. Reck and Scott D. Camassar to schedule a consultation.

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