A Few Tips on Basic Garden Maintenance

by | Sep 25, 2013 | Landscaping

There are few things that are more important to the curb appeal of a residence than the landscaping. A beautiful home that is surrounded with an overgrown lawn, gardens full of weeds and trash looses a great deal of its appeal; conversely, a modest home surrounded by a well maintained garden has enhanced appeal. Fully realizing the amount of time that goes into maintaining the gardens surrounding your home, many people engage the services of a landscaper in Huntersville NC, however, there are some reasonably simply tasks that the home owner can do. Although a professional landscaper is important, a little bit of time each week can save you money in the long run.

Other than for homes located in the desert southwest, the greatest majority of the property surrounding a home is given up to lawn. Regular cutting and collection of the cuttings is important. In order to reduce the number of times the lawn must be cut, people have the tendency to cut the grass far too short, this is a mistake. When the grass is cut too short it appears sparse and burnt, leaving it a little longer result in a lush green carpet.

Many landscape projects when they are first undertaken include islands of beds of shrubbery and flowers. A landscaper in Huntersville, NC will pay particular attention to the foliage in the islands, ornamental shrubs and flowers that require only periodic trimming are ideal. Island gardens look lovely when the ground is studded with rocks, a low retaining wall can provide a wonderful backdrop; taller shrubs should be left for planting closer to the house.

Part of the weekly work that is easy to do is weeding the gardens. There is no doubt that a weed free garden adds considerably to the overall impact. Once the weeds have been removed, especially weeds that flower, the overall aspect gives one the impression of organization and neatness. A well maintained lawn, which is rich and lush, will not allow many weeds to take root but if they do, make sure to get the complete root out.

Set the sprinkler to provide exactly as much water as the lawn and gardens require. Determine a schedule for fertilizing and stick to it, although this is a task that you may hand over to your landscaper in Huntersville NC.
Lawnpro of The Carolinas, LLC can design, create and maintain a beautiful garden for your home to add elegance in Huntersville, NC.

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