A DWI Attorney in Hattiesburg, MS: Compensation for Boating Accident Victims

by | May 29, 2014 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Boating is a popular and fun sport, but one that can be dangerous when people are being careless. Most people know better than to stand up in a canoe, because it is going to tip over. But, there are all too many people out there who ignore some of the most important boating safety rules, such as drinking alcoholic beverages while boating. Just because they are not driving vehicles on the road, it does not mean that they can’t still be charged with operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. There are laws regarding intoxicated boating, with serious consequences.

When someone has been injured as a result of an intoxicated boater, it is important that they hire the services of a DWI Attorney in Hattiesburg MS as soon as possible. Victims of boating accidents are entitled to compensation for any injuries they have suffered, including compensation for medical expenses. Most often, settlements can be reached without cases ever seeing the inside of a courtroom. This is the preferred way to do things, as it is much less stressful, and costs a lot less.

Depending on how serious a person’s injuries are after being involved in an accident with an intoxicated boater, they could end up missing a lot of time from work due to pain. This is lost income that a boat accident lawyer can recoup for clients. Other things that are compensated for include pain and suffering, lost wages, therapy expenses, and property damage. A DWI Attorney in Hattisburg, MS is experienced with this sort of case, and can help victims get everything that they are entitled to.

When intoxicated boaters cause accidents, they are as liable as they would be if they caused accidents in cars and trucks. Not only will the offender be required to compensate victims for all damages, they will have their own damages to pay for, as well as a mountain of other legal issues. The penalties can range from fines to jail time, depending on the severity of accidents and the blood alcohol content of boaters. Both victims and offenders should look into hiring a DWI Attorney in Hattiesburg MS.

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