Table pads are not commonly used by many people, but they should most certainly be. More and more families are discovering the merits of protecting what they appreciate and respect. Table pads are used as covers for an especially valued and cherished table top. Some tables are passed down from one generation to the next, providing a sort of historical road map of a family’s ancestry. These valuable tops need to be protected from the general wears of the world.
Even if the tables are not historical documents, they are valuable. Finding a new table that fits a room’s decor is not an easy task. They are especially vulnerable to wear, damage, and food related issues and accidents. Even a single cup on an unprotected surface could perspire and set off a nice little lifted water damage spot. It is frustrating to see the integrity of an entire table spoiled by the upset of some issues upon the surface.
It is not uncommon, and generally most common, for a family to have a dining table as one of their most valuable household items. This is where table pads come into play.
What Colors do They Come In?
Table pads are an especially wonderful alternative to just a rather bland cover sheet. They are also available in just about every major color and wood choice, including but not limited to:
* Woodgrain
* Antique brown
* Sandalwood
* Hickory
* Washed oak
* White crush
The bottom of the pads themselves can also be coated in some nice burgundy coloration, as well as the more traditional brown and the swauve tan duravel.
Where Do Sturdy pad Locks Come Into Play?
A sturdy pad lock is a side lock that is hidden around the side of the table. It locks the custom table top pads into place while also keeping others from easily moving and shifting them. The idea is that one can keep the table pads off during hours of non-use, and shift and lock them into position when appropriate. Visit Superior Table Pad Co. Inc to learn a lot more about the main and overlooked uses of table pads, as well as the variety and usefulness of the product.