A broken or cracked tooth is probably the most common form of mishap, it occurs from biting on hard pieces of food and other materials and a common injury in sports. One of the first things that you should do is, to bite down on a piece of gauze and avoid any type of cold beverages or foods until your Emergency Dentist Branchburg professional checks you out. It is imperative that you avoid any form of contact with the tooth to avoid pain and further damage.
A lost or knocked out tooth is also known as an avulsed tooth and is a traumatizing, frightening, and painful experience. In most cases, it results in a huge amount of hemorrhaging that should be dealt with right away to avoid complications associated with blood loss. Inspect the root of the tooth that has been lost and if not clean place it in a container containing a saline solution.
Soft tissue laceration or a cut inside the mouth is traumatizing and painful as the tissue in the mouth is sensitive. It is prudent that you make sure that any bleeding is immediately controlled by using non-latex medical gloves. Control by achieved can be achieved by applying pressure to the abrasion until arrival to the Emergency Dentist Branchburg office.
A dislocated or fractured jaw occurs when considerable force is applied to the neck or head in the course of collision with a hard object. This injury may cause one to have double or temporary vision loss, damage to the nerves in the areas around the jaw, and even a disproportion of the face. It is vital that as you await medical attention to hold the injured jaw as steady as possible, and avoid laying the individual flat on the ground.
Preparing for a dental crisis should be part of the basic first aid plan that you have put in place in your home or work area. Such situations occur unexpectedly and have the potential of turning into a traumatic life-scarring event if not handled well. Working with an Emergency Dentist Branchburg practice is vital to ensuring good dental health of victims.
Remember, your dentist is there for much more than just Teeth Whitening.