Your Guide to Planning a Cremation Funeral Service

by | Jan 17, 2024 | Funeral Services

Cremation is an increasingly popular option for those seeking a budget-friendly choice for burial. Whether planning for your own burial or making arrangements for a loved one, it is important to know what goes into a cremation service to make the most informed choices.

Here are a few planning tips directly from a cremation company in Brownstown:

Decide Between Direct and Full-Service Cremation

There are two ways to have someone cremated. Both approaches involve the cremation process itself. During this process, the body will be minimally prepared, then cremated and reduced to ashes, or “cremains.” These remains will then be returned to the family in an urn or other container or delivered to an internment site.

This is where the process ends if you choose a direct cremation. Any further gathering or memorialization will be left up to the loved ones. They may choose to gather privately or hold no gathering at all.

For those interested in a more traditional funeral, a full-service cremation is the better choice. This type of cremation involves the standard cremation process as well as a funeral service that can be as simple or as elaborate as your family wishes. For many, this gives the best of both worlds of traditional burial and cremation.

Determine What Type of Burial You Want—If Any

Most people think of urns kept in family homes or in a mausoleum when they think of cremation. There are many ways to bury your loved one after cremation, though. Some examples include:

  • Keeping your loved one’s ashes in an urn or another container.

  • Burying your loved one’s urn underground.

  • Scattering ashes in one or several locations.

  • Burying the urn at sea.

  • Purchasing a special urn that can be planted in the ground to grow flowers or a tree.

These are just a few of the options for burial your family has when you choose cremation. For more information on these and other options—and to learn more about pricing for cremation services—talk to Our Lady of Hope Cemetery today.

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