Getting Rid of Bad Breath Using Dentist Alexandria VA

by | Apr 18, 2013 | Dental Services

It is often said that the most effective way of treating bad breath is by visiting the dentist. However, there are several remedies that one can use in curing bad breath. The use of natural DIY treatments such as taking organic fresh parsely has been advised by Dentist Alexandria, VA. It is quite embarrassing to have to take a step back when speaking to somebody because of a foul smell coming out of your mouth. Bad breath affects relationships within an organization and sometimes even friendships.

There are some suggestions given to reduce foul breath. Drinking of water is a common suggestion as it is said to keep the mouths moist thus keeping bacteria away. Additionally, health expert’s advice that at least eight glasses of water should be consumed daily to be healthy. Therefore besides keeping bacteria away, the drinking of water is also deemed healthy.

The chewing of gum is also recommended for the treating of bad breath. Although this is temporary, storing of chewing gum in your car and purse may save you when you are unable to brush your teeth after a spicy meal.

Furthermore, smokers are advised by the dentists to cut down on smoking to eliminate bad breath, as the smell not only sticks to their clothes but also their mouth and tongue as well. The process of quitting can begin with taking gradual baby steps such as reducing the number of cigarettes taken in a day, wearing a nicotine patch or chewing on nicotine gum.

Despite chewing gum, drinking a lot of water and not smoking, some people still experience severe bad breath that none of the above can cure. Then what? It is then advisable to visit the dentist as they have expertise on curing bad breath and therefore they can provide a more permanent solution. Dentists Alexandria encounter all sorts of patients with bad breathe that are very embarrassed and are willing to pay whatever amount of money to fix this embarrassing problem.

Dentist Alexandria VA is able to prescribe particular Pro-biotic treatments, specifically Streptococcus salivarius K12 which has been claimed to suppress malodorous bacteria growth, which is the main cause of bad breadth.

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