Severe birth injuries lead to long-term defects and the development of lifelong conditions. A failure to act and provide treatment opens the doctor up to medical malpractice litigation. A birth injury lawyer near me in Tucson, AZ can show you if you have a viable case against the doctor.
Vacuum-Assisted Births and Injuries
Studies show that many infants that develop brain damage at birth were involved with vacuum-assisted deliveries. These methods require the doctor to place a vacuum-based tool onto the top of the baby’s head to pull them from the birth canal.
Unfortunately, the equipment can cause subgaleal hematomas, damage the facial nerves, and cause significant brain damage. While the rate of complications is only 5%, infants with severe brain injuries might develop cerebral palsy. Speaking to a birth injury lawyer near me in Tucson, AZ may give you insight into filing a claim for medical malpractice.
Umbilical Cord Choking and Asphyxia
Once the doctor determines that an umbilical cord is choking a baby, the doctor must act quickly to prevent fetal death or brain damage. Asphyxia can cause infant death in minutes. The doctor must do everything to free the baby’s windpipe from the umbilical cord. Often, obstetricians do emergency C-sections to prevent injuries and death. A birth injury lawyer near me in Tucson, AZ knows how to start a legal claim against the doctor if the doctor’s failures cause brain damage or death.
If your infant sustains a birth injury, it’s essential to determine if your doctor did everything to treat your baby’s injuries appropriately. A doctor’s failure to provide proper treatment and prevent birth-related injuries is medical malpractice. Consider talking to an attorney to find out if you have a personal injury case.