Have you ever wondered where the socks could go that never seem to make it out of your dryer? While it would be easy to tell you that they’re in the dryer vent, that is not necessarily the case. There is however the possibility that there is a stockpile of lint in the line that needs to be cleaned out in order to prevent a hazard but at the very least provide a better quality dryer for the socks you leave behind. Following some simple tips for Dryer vent cleaning Westchester County NY will help you decide if you are in need of a cleaning.
One of the most common questions that is asked about dryer vent cleaning is how often the process should be performed. Like most things, that all depends. How long is your vent line? Does the vent line make a lot of twists and turns to get to the outside? Are there kinks in the vent system that can be prevented or are they mandatory due to space? Do you have a stack-able, smaller dryer or do you have a full size dryer. All of these questions will help determine if you need a cleaning and how regularly you should schedule one.
Obviously, the shorter the vent line the less frequent that you will need Dryer vent cleaning Westchester County NY. This means that the lint that comes from the dryer that is not caught in the lint tray does not have far to travel to get expelled from the system. Not every home or apartment has the luxury for a short line so cleaning may be more frequent. Another key factor to how frequent the cleaning should be depends on if there are any kinks in the line. Again, depending on your machine and the machine location to the exhaust vents could impact the line. Kinks will obstruct and keep lint in the system from running at its maximum potential.
It is a good idea to have your vents cleaned if you can not remember the last time the service was performed. From the cleaning time then ask about the results and if a regularly scheduled system check is in order.
If you don’t believe the technician ask to see the results in what came from your vent clean to determine if it is a regularly needed service.