Advantages of Using a Staffing Service to Hire CDL Drivers

by | Jul 16, 2021 | Moving and Storage

As a small trucking company, it may be difficult to attract top talent. Your resources may be limited as you focus on moving trucks and products from one place to another. If you need drivers but don’t have an HR team to handle recruitment for your company, you can get the qualified employees you need through a staffing service.

By using a staffing service, you can take advantage of their competitive benefits package that you may not be able to offer your full-time employees for an affordable rate. Health insurance, short-term disability and life insurance are some of the benefits available to your CDL drivers, when you outsource your human resources duties to a staffing service.

Good CDL drivers are hard to find. If you don’t have the time, staff or patience to sort through hundreds of job applications, hold interviews and verify credentials, contracting with a staffing service, such as Berger Transfer & Storage, Inc, can solve your problem. Your staffing service can take care of recruiting job candidates, verifying their qualifications and ensuring they are a good match for your company. The best staffing services work with a number of employers and have a vast database of potential employees so they can match the right employee with the right employer.

Because drivers that are placed with you through your staffing service are employees of the staffing service, you won’t have to write their paychecks. Just pay the invoice from the staffing service and they will take care of the payroll functions. Your drivers may have access to advanced pay options that you don’t provide, such as direct deposit and pay cards.

The best job candidates choose staffing services that offer support, steady work and good benefits. When you decide that outsourcing your human resources tasks is the solution to your staffing needs, select a service that is respected by drivers. Many CDL drivers prefer the flexibility and security of staffing services over the stress of searching for a full-time job. Word travels quickly among drivers so if you use a reputable staffing service that offers their employees competitive benefits, you are likely to get the best drivers for your business.

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