Importance of Commercial Insurance for Business Owners

by | Apr 4, 2013 | Insurance

Business insurance is important for all business owners whether the business is large or small. Basic commercial insurance covers property, worker’s compensation, and liability. The importance of insurance is to help cover losses in case of an emergency and to have funds available for paying out worker’s compensation claims and other claims made by employees or clients.

When looking for Commercial Insurance, Shawnee KS business owners need the basic coverage plus any specialized coverage that’s suited to their business. Property insurance provides coverage for the business property. Liability insurance protects against claims made by third parties, and worker’s compensation helps pay off worker’s compensation claims from injured employees.

Commercial Insurance for Company Vehicles

Some businesses require a fleet of vehicles in order to perform the basic functions of the job. This can include medical companies that transport records or lab work, taxi cab businesses, or floral delivery services. Commercial insurance in Shawnee, KS can provide coverage for a fleet of vehicles used for business purposes. Commercial auto insurance provides coverage for accidents and injuries for your employees and individuals that may be injured in an accident with one of your company vehicles.

Why Good Insurance Coverage Is Important for a Business

It’s tempting to try and save costs on insurance coverage, but cutting back on business insurance is never a good idea. Considering that your business provides you with your income and possibly the income of many other people, you want to make sure that you have all of the coverage possible in case of an emergency. It only takes one accident or one lawsuit to completely wipe out a business and cause it to go under. With proper commercial insurance, Shawnee KS business owners have the security that someone filing a claim against the business won’t cause the breakdown of the company or severe financial hardships.

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