Discover Upcoming County Events in Performing & Digital Arts & Much More

by | Jan 7, 2021 | Arts and Entertainment

Many individuals enjoy the performing arts including both digital and visual arts as well. Now, lucky high-school students can attend one of the most revered academy of visual, performing and digital arts in the country. Right now, interested persons can discover what this fine arts school has planned for upcoming Riverside County events held throughout the year.

Why Teens Can Benefit Immensely from Attending Performing Arts Classes

Teens are often drawn to the entertainment and cultural arts such as dance, theatre and musical concerts. This is an excellent time for young people to get real hands-on learning skills that can help prepare them for continued advanced performing arts and related educational programs in the future. These days, competition for this job field is exceptionally fierce, and students that are able to begin training with experienced performing arts teachers and performers will have a better shot at getting the career that many can only dream about.

Types of Offered Riverside County Events by a Respected Arts Academy

Teenagers can still attend regular school classes by enrolling in some of the available late afternoon and evening classes held throughout the year. Many of these classes can be taken just for fun. It’s terrific for young people unsure if the performing arts and related careers are truly for them. The experience is truly valuable and fun for the students as well.

Examples of Events & Classes

Consider musical theater, script writing or photography classes and more. Contact or visit the website to know more.

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