Are Medicines Causing Injury Claims?

by | Mar 22, 2013 | Law Services

Are the medications we are being prescribed causing personal injuries to people directly or indirectly? It seems that so many prescriptions are written for ailments, and these medications end up causing side effects that many people are not aware could happen. If you have Injury Claims Halifax from a medication, you should seek out legal counsel to advise you of your options.


Many painkillers are prescribed every day to patients who need to be able to function in life but are unable to because of either long-term or random physical pain. Common pain medications that are prescribed are from the opioid family include codeine, morphine, hydromorphone, and oxycodone. In some countries, codeine is sold over the counter, while the stronger ones are by prescription only.

Many people do not understand or are not aware of the side effects of these drugs. They believe they can take them for the pain and go on with their lives. There are also risks of addictions and overdoses associated with these drugs. Increases in car accidents due to pain killers being used by drivers have been documented. Drivers under the influence of prescription pain killers can actually get charged with driving under the influence as a criminal offense, but are they aware of that?

Allergic Reactions to Medications

Medications have warnings on the labels, and side effects are usually listed either in patient information sheets or on the labels of over the counter medications. What about rare side effects or allergic reactions to certain medications that are possible but rare? These types of reactions and side effects are not listed. The consumer is not made aware of rare reactions.

There was a case of a young child having a very rare allergic reaction to Motrin. She suffered extremely horrible injuries. She was seven years old, and she lost 90% of her skin, is legally blind, and suffered mild brain damage due to an allergic reaction that was known by the manufacturer, but was not printed on the labels or inserts as a warning to parents or patients. If a child uses ibuprofen, they might suffer from an allergic reaction that causes skin burns and blindness. It is a rare reaction called Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis. The parents were awarded a very large settlement in this Halifax Injury Claims, but nothing can make their daughter normal again or end or compensate the suffering she has and will go through the rest of her life.

Medications have side effects and allergic reactions can occur that are not typical or even known to occur. However, if the doctors or manufacturers are not giving warnings, or listing possible effects, then how are consumers and patients to know what could possibly happen? The parents of this girl were not able to make an informed decision because the warnings were not issued.


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