A Few Things Missouri Residents Should Know About Lemon Laws

by | Mar 18, 2020 | Lawyers

Many people have heard of the lemon law. They vaguely understand that it gives them protection if they purchase a new automobile and it has serious manufacturer defects. Still, there are questions they may have about how the law applies to them and what protection it offers.

It’s good to note that each state has its own lemon laws. The wording of the Missouri lemon law is going to be different than that found in other states. However, the spirit of all these laws are the same. If an individual purchases a product that is faulty, the Missouri lemon law protects them from being taken advantage of. It allows them to receive compensation in one of three ways.

The first option is that the manufacturer can offer to purchase the product back from the customer. The second option is that the manufacturer can offer to replace the product with a new one that is in working condition. The third option is that the manufacturer can offer the client a cash settlement.

There are some caveats to this law that need to be explained by a legal professional. For example, a person can buy a car that starts to have problems with the stereo or air conditioner. This does not necessarily mean that they purchased a lemon. However, if they purchase a vehicle that has issues with the brakes, transmission, steering wheel, or other major components, then they might have a lemon on their hands.

Learn about the representation offered to those with a lemon on their hands at Lemon Law America by visiting the following website.

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