Settle Matters In A Fair Manner With Family Law Attorney

by | Mar 3, 2020 | Lawyers and Law Firms

When couples separate and divorce, there are a myriad of decisions that must be made. While living apart may be exactly what is needed in their situations, both partners must divide up their assets, both material and financial. It can be highly stressful even to discuss how a lifetime of possessions will be placed with either person, including real estate and high-tickets purchases made during the course of a marriage.

Further complicating matters, are the decisions that affect every member of the family. For married couples with children or unmarried couples who have shared families, childcare issues take center stage. Children of minor age require financial support and a solid background for proper emotional development. Without a legal document in place, their means of support can be waivered and virtually ignored over time.

This is exactly why a Family Law office is so important. Agreements can be discussed with the best interests of both parties in mind. When it comes to young children, having their future spelled out in writing is the best way to ensure that they will be taken care of until these youngsters have reached the age of adulthood at 18. Additionally in many divorce settlements, a Family Law attorney will insist that provisions be made for a child’s college or continuing education past high school.

Another scenario that has entered the news as of late, is the situation that occurs when a couple is entering a divorce and shares the care of domestic pets. While these creatures are not human children, they function as surrogate children for a growing number of individuals. While working to sort out financial issues between couples heading for legal divorce, a legal team is able to work out a contract that allows both parties time with their beloved pets.

The best way to begin the process is to gather up one’s financial documents and other written agreements to present to an attorney for their perusal. Contact The Fitzgerald Law Firm, P.C. So long as you choose an attorney who is celebrated and qualified, you can rest assured you will be in good hands.

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