How a Snow Plow in Pittsburgh Developed From Original Models

by | Jun 12, 2019 | Equipment

Pennsylvania generally doesn’t have the worst winters in the nation, but the state still gets plenty of snow. It’s hard for people to imagine how roads were cleared before today’s modern Snow Plow in Pittsburgh was available. Without that option, people would be stranded until enough shoveling could be completed. It’s logical to imagine that if the plow hadn’t been invented, the snow blower probably wouldn’t have been either.

An Original Snowplowing Technique

Historical records indicate that a version of snowplowing began in the mid-1800s. The plow was attached to a cart that horses pulled. This is a prototype for a horseless carriage that could have a plow attached to the front and move snow as it traveled through the streets. Previously, snow often was simply packed down by horses and carriages, leading to a very uncomfortable ride on frozen snow and ruts of ice.

Vehicle-Mounted Plows

Plows mounted on motorized vehicles first appeared in the 1920s, making the process much easier. This is the basic design that is still used today in plows from suppliers such as Smouse Trailers & Snow Equipment.

Smaller Equipment

Originally, a large Snow Plow in Pittsburgh would clear streets, but owners of businesses would have to figure out how to efficiently remove snow from their driveways and parking lots. Demand for this service led to the manufacture of smaller equipment useful for this purpose.

Dump Trucks

When motorized dump trucks were invented in the early 1900s, this streamlined the process of snow removal. Before, it could be plowed out of the street, but it had to be moved onto carts and hauled away by teams of horses. A contraption attached to one truck could effectively scoop the snow right into the dump truck.

Fast Snow Removal

Many people are happy living in a region that has some snowstorms and even blizzards. Today’s technology and managed teamwork allows everyone to quickly get where they need to go with fast snow removal. A foot of snow takes a while to clear, but people usually don’t have to wait even a day to resume their normal activities. Information one particular plow supplier can be seen at the website.

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